RHINOLOGY: European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps 2020

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Official Journal of the European and International Rhinologic Societies and of the Confederation of European ORL-HNS

Rhinology (ISSN 0300-0729) is the official Journal of the European and International Rhinologic Societies and appears bimonthly in February, April,
June, August, October and December. Cited in Pubmed, Current Contents, Index Medicus, Exerpta Medica and Embase.
Founded in 1963 by H.A.E. van Dishoeck, Rhinology is a worldwide non-profit making journal. The journal publishes original papers on basic research as well as clinical studies in the major field of rhinology, including physiology, diagnostics, pathology, immunology, medical therapy and surgery of both the nose and paranasal sinuses. Review articles and short communications are also published, but no Case reports.
All papers are peer-reviewed.
Letters-to-the-editor provide a forum for comments on published papers, and are not subject to editorial revision except for correction of English language.
In-depth studies that are too long to be included into a regular issue can be published as a supplement.
Supplements are in principle not subject to peerreview.

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